Nursery go ‘Mad about Minibeasts’

Today Our Three Year Old Nursery Children enjoyed the book ‘Mad about Minibeasts’ which had different poems about minibeasts and makaton signs for each. We thought about all the different places minibeasts like to live, below the ground in the soil, above the ground in the bushes and grass, under pieces of wood or stones and in the trees. We decided to each make a bug hotel using a boxes and containers from the recycling ♻️ We then found different natural objects and materials to fill our bug hotels with to hopefully attract lots of guests then hid them in Forest School until after the holidays when we will see if any minibeasts have moved in!!! Some children found minibeasts to add to their hotels today as their very first guests!! πŸ•·οΈπŸŒπŸžπŸπŸͺ°πŸœ