Year 2 School Council Elections

In PSHE this week Year 2 have been learning how we live in a democracy which means the people in our country have an equal right to vote in elections to decide which group (or party) will form the government which is led by the Prime minister. We talked about the importance of people having a say in the decisions or rules that are made by the government. We then held our own elections for School Councillors. The children who wanted to do this important job wrote their own election campaigns to tell us why they wanted to be a School Councillor, what their strengths are and anything they would like to change or improve about our school. After listening to their campaigns, we all took part in voting by each completing a ballot paper which we then put in the ballot box. We thoughtabout choosing the best people for the job who would listen to and respect our different ideas and represent our class well at meetings. We counted the votes which we recorded in a tally chart. The successful candidates with the most votes were Emmy and Lorenzo. Well done everyone who took part.