Author: staff
Busy Final Term in KS2 Base
The children in the key stage 2 base have had a busy half term. They have worked together during PSHE to complete jigsaws. In Science they have explored the properties of water freezing...
Year 3 & 4 Enjoy Live Music at The Word
Year 3 & 4 enjoyed an afternoon of live music at The Word yesterday as part of the Different Voices project. They listened to the band playing lots of different instruments and...
Year 4 National School Sports Week Activities
Year 4 took part in a range of activities for National School Sports Week.
SSOC at Surf School
Last week our school sports organising crew had the opportunity to take part in a surf school as a reward for all the hardwork they had done over the year. Unfortunately due...
Year 1 Exploring Judaism
Year 1 have been exploring Judaism in their RE lessons this term.
Last Colouring Club of the Year
Today was our last colouring club before the summer holiday. We have had such a lovely time on Wednesdays we did not want it to end. As a special treat one of...
KS1 Base Picnic with Mrs Butler
The KS1 base children had a fabulous Friday having a picnic in the park with Mrs Butler. The children played on the park and had a delicious picnic. They were very excited...