Author: staff
Primary Engineer Celebration Event at Sunderland University
Our fantastic Lord Blyton STEM club have been working hard to make moving vehicles as part of a Primary Engineer project. Children from our club took part in a celebration event at...
KS1 & KS2 Base Visit The Word
The children from the KS1 and KS2 base enjoyed a joint visit to The Word in South Shields. They read stories, made a bookmark and chose a book to bring back to...
Year 6 PSHE
In our Year 6 PSHE lesson today we completed the St John’s Ambulance module on Choking and how to give first aid in the event of someone choking. The children all received...
People Who Help Us
The children have enjoyed learning about people who help us. They have had fun dressing up in different costumes and pretending to be builders, doctors, firefighters and police officers.
Year 3 Computing-Branching Databases
Today, year 3 continued their work on branching databases. We used ‘yes or no’ questions to sort and organise information in a programme called j2data. A branching database is a way of...
Girl’s Football Team Final Games
Yesterday this years girls football team took part in their final league games of the season.. Once again all of the girls showed fantastic effort and determination in the three games they...