Author: staff

World Book Day
Office Staff 2 Year Old Nursery 3 Year Old’s Nursery Reception Reception had lots of fun dressing up as characters from stories and films for World Book Day. We brought in our...

Year 5 Science – Reproduction in Plants
This week in Science, Year 5 have been dissecting flowers. They took apart the flower part by part to fully understand the anatomy of the flower and discover how the plant creates...

Girls Football Team
On Tuesday our girls football team were at Washington Hub to play in a girls football tournament. It was also the first appearance of their brand new kits. The girls played well...

Netball Finals
Last week our netball finalists attended the South Tyneside netball finals. Both teams played some excellent netball throughout the tournament, scoring some fantastic goals and displaying brilliant teamwork. One of our teams...

Year 3 STEM Competition
Today, year 3 took part in a primary engineering competition. We had to answer the question ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’ We had to think about a problem...

Nursery Visit The Word
The Children in the 2 & 3 Year Old Nursery have enjoyed a fantastic morning at The Word in South Shields. We listened to stories, enjoyed singing songs and playing some games....

Year 2 Visit Washington Wildfowl Park
Year 2 visited Washington Wildfowl Park last week where they were part of a special project called Generation Wild which allowed the children to learn about ospreys and their migration. They also...

Year 5 Science – Forces
In the last of their Science lessons on forces Year 5 have been investigating water resistance. They all took part in an experiment to find out which shape of boat travelled the...

Three Little Pigs
This week Nursery have been reading the Traditional Tale ‘Three Little Pigs’ We noticed the Big Bad Wolf was missing from Nursery this morning and then received a letter from the pigs...