Author: staff

Year 3 Mental Health Week/ Dress to Express
This week in school, we acknowledged that it is Mental Health Week. To end the week, we were invited to come in wearing clothes that we feel comfortable, special or unique in....

Hickory Dickory Dock
Nursery are learning to sing lots of different Nursery Rhymes each week. Our favourite this week has been ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ we searched for the numbered logs hidden in the trees to...

Children’s Mental Health Week in Nursery 2’s
To celebrate Children’s Mental Health week the children in the twos have taken part in a range of activities which make them feel happy!

Chinese New Year in Nursery 3’s
Our Theee Year old Nursery children celebrated Chinese New Year in Forest School. This year is the Year of the Dragon. We watched a dragon dancing parade and then worked together to...

Number Day in Nursery 3’s
The children in the 3 Year Old Nursery had lots of fun with the Math Ambassadors on Friday for Number Day! We can’t wait to work with them again soon

British Bird Watch Week in Nursery 3’s
As part of British Bird Watch week have been trying to identify and spot different types of Birds in Forest School and count how many we have seen. We have spotted pigeons,...

Year 5/6 Netball
Yesterday, our first of three netball teams took to the court in this year’s bee netball South Tyneside tournament. On show was some great teamwork, fantastic goals and all round good netball...

Number Day in Year 3
To celebrate Number Day, Year 3 had a visit from our school Maths Ambassadors. They helped to answer our maths morning challenge and Flashback 4 before joining us in some maths games...