Author: staff

Year 3 DT- Pneumatic Toys
In Design Technology, Year 3 have been making pneumatic toys. We looked at pneumatic systems and how they are used in everyday contexts. Our toys used air as a pneumatic element to...

Design Technology CPD
Today, Miss Georgeson attended training with a design technology specialist to further develop her skills as science/ DT and STEM lead in school. As a school, we are always looking at new...

Bentley Visits the Nursery 2’s
The children had a special visitor in nursery today. Mrs Atherton brought the lovely Bentley to meet us all. We were very shy at first but Bentley was so calm and relaxed...

PSHE in Year 3
This afternoon, year 3 started their new topic in PSHE. We talked about emergency situations and who we can call on when we need help. We discussed the emergency services, what information...

Lovely First Week for New 2 Year Olds
Our new afternoon children have had a lovely first week at school. We have explored all the areas of the classroom and are getting to know our new friends and teachers. The...

Term Dates 2024-25
Term Starts Finishes Autumn Term 1 Monday 2nd September 2024 Friday 25th October 2024 Autumn Term 2 Monday 4th November 2024 Friday 20th December 2024 Spring Term 1 Monday 6th January 2025...