Author: staff
Year 4 Science-Sound
We have been using the tuning forks to identify how sounds are made, associating them with things vibrating. The children learnt that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear....
Thank you Wickes!
The children in the Key Stage 2 base have been working very hard on a special project. They decided to make a bug hotel to go into our forest school.. We would...
Music Intent, Implementation and Impact
The Curriculum at Lord Blyton Primary School The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Curriculum – Music Music Intent A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love...
PSHE/RSE Intent, Implementation and Impact
The Curriculum at Lord Blyton Primary School The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Curriculum – PSHE/RSE . Intent At Lord Blyton our scheme aims to give children the knowledge, skills, and...