Category: Classes
Athletics @ Temple Park
Some children in year 6 and our Sycamore class took part in an athletics competition at Temple Park. The children had to compete against other schools in jumping, throwing, and running events....
Year 6 Visit Al Azhar Mosque
Today Year 6 visited the Al Azhar Mosque in South Shields to learn more about the Islam faith and the Muslim community. The children were all very well-behaved and respectful, asking lots...
Nursery Rhyme Week in Nursery 2’s
As part of our nursery rhyme week in nursery 2s, we made a spider finder, so we could look for our Incy Wincy spiders’ friends. After we had made our spider finders...
Nursery 2’s Explore the Snow
The children in the 2 year old nursery had so much fun exploring the snow today. We wrapped up warm wearing our hats and gloves. We made footprints in the snow, and...
Nursery 3’s Explore the Snow
Today in the 3 year old nursery we had lots of fun outside exploring the snow. We had to wrap up warm and wear our hats and gloves. We had a snowball...
Remembrance Celebration in Nursery
As part of our Remembrance celebrations in Nursery, the children have been learning how the poppy is symbol that helps people to remember and say thank you to those people a long...
Year 4 Reading Cafe
Thank you to some of our Year 4 parents for coming into school today to share books with their children. There are still available slots for the next coming Fridays from 2.45-3.15....
Remembrance Day in 2 year old Nursery
For Remembrance Day, the children in the 2 year old nursery created poppies using red, black and green paint. We looked at different pictures of poppies and spoke about the colours we...
Nursery Celebrate Diwali
This week in Forest School our Three Year Old Nursery Children celebrated Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light. We learnt that Rangoli patterns and Diva Lamps are often used during the celebration...