Year Three took part in the Primary Engineer competition during British Science Week. They had to answer the question- If I were an engineer, what would I do? As part of the...
Today 30 children from year 3 and 4 took part in an athletics event held at Monkton stadium. They participated in events such as: 50m sprint, howler throw, 400m run and the...
As part of our DT project Year 3 shared their completed castles with Reception. Reception children had fun playing with the castles and concluded they were ‘strong’ and ‘fun to play with’.
Nursery As part of the Kings Coronation celebrations the children in the Isobel Room took part in the ‘The Big Help Out’ to encourage people across the country to look after their...
This half term, Year 3 will be learning about plants in science. Today, we took part in a live STEM lesson to introduce our new topic. The lesson taught us about different...
In D&T, Year 3 have been designing and creating castles. We looked at the features of a castle and discovered that in the past, castles were built to protect the inhabitants from...