Category: Year 3

Biggest Ever Girl’s Football Session
Today all of our girls took part in the world’s biggest girls football day. Some of our year 1 and 2 girls went to the powerleague in Gateshead to take part in...

World Book Day
Office Staff 2 Year Old Nursery 3 Year Old’s Nursery Reception Reception had lots of fun dressing up as characters from stories and films for World Book Day. We brought in our...

Year 3 STEM Competition
Today, year 3 took part in a primary engineering competition. We had to answer the question ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’ We had to think about a problem...

Year 3 STEM Visit- Equinor Wind Farm at Dogger Bank
Year 3 had a very exciting STEM visit today! Kay from a company called Equinor came in to talk to us about offshore wind farming, wind turbines, Dogger Bank and sustainable energy...

Music in Year 3
This half term we have been listening to/ learning the song ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley. We discussed that the musical genre is reggae and really enjoyed performing together. We loved...

Computing in Year 3
We have been using Scratch in Year 3. Today we looked at changing our sprite, choosing a background and how to sequence simple sounds. We love using the chrome books and are...

Safer Internet Day
This week in Year 3, we talked about how to stay safe on the internet. It was ‘Safer Internet Day’ on Tuesday so we talked about staying safe online in PSHE/ Computing....

Year 3 Mental Health Week/ Dress to Express
This week in school, we acknowledged that it is Mental Health Week. To end the week, we were invited to come in wearing clothes that we feel comfortable, special or unique in....

Number Day in Year 3
To celebrate Number Day, Year 3 had a visit from our school Maths Ambassadors. They helped to answer our maths morning challenge and Flashback 4 before joining us in some maths games...