Year 4 Art

Year 4’s new art topic is entitled the Fabric of Nature. The children created a series of drawings from rainforest pictures and formed their ideas into a mood board.

Year 5 Art- I Need Space

Last term in art, Year 5 have been exploring the purpose and impact of images from the ‘Space race’ era of the 1950s and 60s. Taking inspiration from Teis Albers’s piece ‘Moonwalk’...

Year 4 Art

Year 4 are working through their Art unit entitled ‘Painting and Mixed Media: Light and Dark’.  They have been mixing tints and shades of various paint colours, creating a 3 dimensional painting...

Art Overview 2021/22

Art Overview 2021-2022 Autumn Spring Summer EYFS – Expressive Arts and Design Birth to three – babies, toddlers and young children will be learning to:·        Notice patterns with strong contrasts and be...