Year 5/6 Girls Cricket

Yesterday two girls cricket teams from year 5/6 represented the school in a girls only cricket tournament.  Both teams played brilliantly throughout the whole day in warm conditions and really done themselves...

Year 6 Cricket

Yesterday two year 6 cricket teams took part in a competition at Boldon CC.  Both teams displayed some excellent cricketing skills with lots of good batting, bowling and fielding on show.  One...

Boccia County Finals

Today Siann, Cameron and Cody took part in the County finals for boccia having already qualified from the South Tyneside competition earlier in the year. They had to travel to Gateshead leisure...

Reception @ Temple Park

Reception enjoyed a variety of multi-skills activities last week during their visit to Temple Park. They took part in a range of sports tasks including athletics, football, volleyball and even quidditch! Behaviour...

Let Girls Play

Today at Lord Blyton we celebrated all of our girls alongside the FA initiative #letgirlsplay. All of our girls had the opportunity to take part in football based activities; some for the...