Category: Science / STEM

Feedback from STEM club
The children that attended Miss Georgeson’s STEM club wrote about their projects and gave their feedback.

Year 2 Science – Minibeasts
Year 2 investigated which minibeasts can be found in our school garden. They explored lots of micro habitats and recorded their findings.

Year 4 Primary Engineer
Some of our Year 4 children received certificates from the Primary Engineer competition. They were all either merits or distinctions and 8 children have been shortlisted meaning that their entries are currently...

Year 2 Science
Year 2 investigated which conditions woodlice prefer by observing them in a Petri dish which is half damp and half dry. They are very enthusiastic scientists!

Year 3 Primary Engineers
Year 3 and 4 took part in the Primary Engineer competition this year. The competition is a national event and many primary and secondary schools take part. The children had to use...

Year 4 Science- Animals: Classification and Changing Habitats
Year 4 have been sorting plants into groups based on shared characteristics and using classification keys.

Year 5 Nissan Visit
Year 5 visited Nissan last week to do some coding and meet some of the robots and the people who programme them at Nissan. It was a very fun and informative visit....