Celebrating World Maths Day at Lord Blyton

2 Year Olds Nursery and Isabel Room

We had a fun filled day in the nursery two’s and Isobel room, celebrating World Maths Day. We started off the session by reading Farm 1 2 3 by Rod Campbell. In the water tray we filled and emptied, and some of us sorted the bears by colour into the matching coloured bowls. In the sensory tray we explored the blue gloop and the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We had fun doing number jigsaws and used different shape cutters in the play dough. We made printing pictures using bricks and paint . We finished off by singing ‘Three little ducks’.

3 Year Old Nursery

Yesterday we celebrated Number Day in the 3 year old nursery. We came to school wearing numbers and some of us even designed our own fabulous t shirts. We shared stories and took part in lots of fun number and maths activities. We even had a visit from the Maths Ambassadors in year 6 who came in and joined us and lead some maths games and activities. Lots of number fun was had by all ☺

Acorn Class

We came to school dressed up in patterns and numbers. We did our Maths lesson outside and we drew rockets with chalk using different shapes and did our number blast off. We then drew our own hopscotch using teen numbers and shapes. We also had fun sequencing with Irish patterns.

Year 2

As part of world maths day, year 2 enjoyed problem solving. It is developing maths skills and resilience as the problems aren’t always solved on the first attempt! Well done Year 2!

As part of World Maths Day year two collected data using smarties. Children recorded tallies for each colour smartie then recorded their findings in a block graph. The best part was eating their data!

Year 3

Today in year 3, we talked about the importance of maths. We discovered that we use our mathematical skills all of the time…even when we don’t realise it! We solved mathematical puzzles using our problem solving skills. We used TTRockstars to test our times tables talents. We played maths games and took part in challenges with the help of the Year 6 maths ambassadors who were a fantastic help. We all realised that maths skills are important in everything that we do!

Year 4 Maths Day

As part of World Maths Day Year 4 combined Maths with DT. Our DT Food unit is Adapting a Recipe so we weighed out the ingredients for No Bake Cookies and adapted the basic recipe by adding different toppings. The additional toppings were chocolate chips, raisins and coconut. Most children definitely preferred the chocolate topping!

Year 5

Year 5 celebrated World Maths Day with a day of fun maths activities. We played a game of Beetle Drive and some other maths related games. We did some geometric colouring to make the pattern look 3D. We competed against one another to see who could solve a pentominoes puzzle the quickest. It was a fun day!

Year 6

For maths day in year 6 we began the day with some food technology, making three types of soup from a WWII rationing recipe book! We used imperial measures such as pints and ounces to weigh out the correct ingredients. While it simmered, we took part in a trading game activity to see which group could speculate to accumulate and make the most profit in a given time. For this task, accuracy was key as they had to make 2D shapes to meet a given specification. Our winners were group C, whose profit topped £3000! In addition to this, our maths ambassadors prepared and led some fun games with a maths focus over break time and lunch time. A very well done to them for all of their hard work 👏👏