This morning Reverend Hill joined us in our assembly where each year group shared what they had been learning about Easter. Children from each class showed some of their work which answered the progressive questions about Easter from our RE syllabus.
Nursery and Reception have been thinking about how Easter is a special time. They have thought about Spring and new beginnings and about how the story of Jesus is remembered at Easter.
Year 1 have been answering the question- ‘What is the Easter story?’ They showed everyone the wonderful Easter garden they had made.
Year 2 have been answering the question- ‘How do Christians celebrate Easter?’ They showed us a poster to represent this.
Year 3 answered the question- ‘What do Christians remember on Palm Sunday?’ They shared some acrostic poems to show this.
Year 4 have been answering the question- ‘Why is Lent such an important period for Christians?’ They read out some of their ‘Just say no’ stories about people being tempted today.
Year 5 have been answering the question- ‘Why is the Last Supper so important to Christians?’ They showed us some alter cloths they had made which identified the themes and key words around the Last Supper and Eucharist.
Year 6 have been answering the question ‘Why are Good Friday and Easter Day the most important days for Christians?’ They read out some of their abstract noun poems to demonstrate this.
Our Base children joined us and showed their work around Palm Sunday.
We also got another chance to showcase our fantastic singing skills by singing a selection of Easter songs.
Reverend Hill closed our assembly with a special prayer which he reads in his Palm Sunday service in church.