Here are some things which you can do to help your child prepare for Nursery!
We will be working on these skills within the setting too!
- Encourage them to dress and undress themselves. This can be made easier by wearing clothes with zips instead of buttons and having Velcro instead of laces!
- Practise putting on and fastening their coat and putting on their socks and shoes.
- How to wash and dry their hands. We will be doing lots of this as it is very important at the moment!
- Practise using the toilet, wiping themselves and flushing the toilet. Don’t forget we have small toilets in Nursery to support independence but staff will also be on hand to help with this too!
- Practise blowing their nose using ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’.
- Read and enjoy stories together.
- Practise holding a pencil correctly.
- Make marks with pens, crayons, paint or even mud! Encourage them to tell you what they are drawing or writing!
- Sing songs together and dance to music.
- Play games, practising sharing and taking turns.
- Count everything and anything! Like counting the cars that go past or the stairs as you climb them!
- Look for numbers in the street. Can you spot numbers on the buses, front doors or on cars?
- Practise following simple instructions.