This yearly overview of the overarching themes that will take place during the year, as we plan from the children’s interests our provision and activities may differ to cater for the needs of our children, so that we can plan purposeful activities that enhance teaching and learning opportunities.
Favourite 5’s. The very Hungry Caterpillar. Busy Easter.
Favourite 5’s. Busy fire station. Where going to the doctors.
Favourite 5’s. Shark in the park. Busy holiday.
Planned Trips/Visitors
Autumn explore.
Visit to see Santa.
Library visit.
Farm visit.
Visits from the emergency services.
Trip to the beach/park.
Festivals and events.
Harvest. Halloween. World mental health day
Diwali. Bonfire night. Remembrance day. Christmas. National nursery rhyme day.
Chinese New Year.Valentine’s day.Children’s mental health week.
World book Day.Mothers day. Easter.
Fathers day.World mental health week.
National healthy eating week.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development/ RSE/Our Lives
Manage transitions from parents to key person. Find ways to calm themselves with support. Express a range of emotions.
Establish a sense of self. Try new things. Express likes and dislikes. Engage in play with others. Enjoy exploring new places with confidence.
Develop self assurance. Playing with increasing confidence on their own.
Playing with increasing confidence with others. Safely explore emotions through play and stories.
Growing in independence. Beginning to show effortful control. i.e. waiting for a turn with support. Develop friendships.
Talk about and manage emotions. Notice and ask questions about differences between themselves and others.
Communication, Language and Literacy- Speaking and Listening
Enjoy singing and music. Recognise and identify a range of everyday objects. Understand simple instructions. Understands single and frequently used words in context.
Listen to and respond to a simple instruction. Focus on an activity of their own choice. Listen to other people talk with interest. Listen to stories.
Start to develop conversations with others. Develop pretend play. Identify familiar objects and properties. i.e. blue car.
Start to say how they are feeling. Sings a range of familiar songs.
Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening. Understand and respond to longer sentences.
Understands simple questions about who, what and where. Use a wider range of vocabulary.
Physical and P.E
Soft play. Music and movement. Continuous outdoor provision.
Soft play. Music and movement. Continuous outdoor provision.
Soft play. Music and movement. Continuous outdoor provision.
Soft play. Music and movement. Squiggle. Continuous outdoor provision.
Soft play. Music and movement. Squiggle. Continuous outdoor provision.
Soft play. Music and movement. Squiggle. Continuous outdoor provision
Literacy- Comprehension, Word Reading, Writing and Spelling
Enjoy and joins in with songs and rhymes. Enjoys sharing books with adults. Enjoys drawing freely.
Copy finger movements and gestures in songs and rhymes. Have favourite books.
Pays attention and responds to pictures and words in stories.
Develop play around familiar stories. Give meaning to their marks.
Sing songs and rhymes independently. Repeats words and phrases from a familiar story.
Ask questions and makes comments about books. Notice print and familiar logos. Make marks to represent their name.
Mathematics Number and Numerical patterns
Combine objects like stacking blocks and cups.
Take part in finger rhymes and songs. Develop counting like behaviour.
Counting everyday contexts.
Complete inset puzzles. Build with a range of resources.
Compare sizes, weights using gestures and language.
React to changes in an amount of objects to 3. Compare amounts. Notice patterns and arranges things in patterns.
Understanding the World- History, Geography, R.E and Science
History – photos of themselves and family of past events. Geography – exploring the nursery environment. Autumn walk. Science – Autumn. RE – Harvest.
History -Remembrance Day. Bonfire night. Geography – visit to local area (Santa). RE – Diwali and Christmas. Science – exploring materials.
History – Pancake day. Chinese New Year. Geography – visit to local area (library). RE – Easter. Science – Winter.
History -Lifecycles. Look how much I have grown. Geography – visit to local area (Farm). Science – Spring and life cycles.
History – a visit to the doctors. Science – healthy eating. Oral hygiene.
History -Reflecting on the year. Geography – Teddy bears picnic (secret garden). Beach/park visit. Science – Summer.
Expressive Arts and Design- Music, Art and Design and Design Technology
Art – Yayoi Kasuma. Pumpkins and dots. DT – making cakes.
Art – Van Gogh. – Starry night. DT – Christmas crafts.
Art – Chinese New year blossom prints. DT – Making pancakes.