Year 6 Computing – Data Transfer
In Computing today Year 6 have been learning about how data is transferred in packets via routers. In groups they created their own messages in packets and successfully demonstrated how data is...

Harvest Festival at St Simons
A lovely harvest festival at St Simon’s church today led by our year 6 pupils, with years 1-5 and our Acorn and Sycamore classes joining in beautifully with the singing too! Thank...

Careers Related Learning with Robertons
As part of our Careers Related Learning we are working with Robertsons the building company. They worked with yr 3 and yr 4 designing and building buildings out of lego. This is...

Year 6 Dodgeball Competition
Yesterday our y6s took part in a dodgeball competition held at Temple Park.Throughout the morning and afternoon, all of the children taking part displayed some fantastic teamwork, passion and resilience.The children have...

Tiny Forest Update
Some of our KS2 pupils have been working on our tiny forest today with the people from Living Woods who helped us plant it back in March. They helped to measure the...

Year 1 Discover Old Toys at the Discovery Museum
Year 1 visited the Discovery Museum this week to do a workshop on old and new toys linked to their history work on this topic. Then we had a look around the...

Year 3 Measure The Tiny Forest
The Tiny Forest staff visited school to work with the KS2 children today to check on the trees that we planted together as a school. Now that our tiny forest is established,...

EYFS Halloween Stay and Play
The children in EYFS enjoyed a spooky Halloween Stay and Play today with all our grown ups. We had a great time playing and exploring in our classrooms and gardens taking part...