New Pupil Councillors
Pupil Councillors introduced themselves in assembly. Candidates wrote their speeches and were then democratically voted for in each class. They told the school they had their first meeting Friday and the Agenda...

Year 2 Music – Hands Feet Soul
The children in Year 2 have been learning a South African call and response song called ‘Hands Feet Soul’ We have learnt to sing the words in tune and to keep the...

Uniform Rail
Our uniform rail has been restocked this morning. Please help yourself to anything you need.Mrs Quinn

Colouring Club – Autumn
We are colouring autumnal pictures today in colouring club. We heard a great story about a hedgehog in one of the children’s gardens and how he helped to take care of it 🦔

Year 6 Art – Mayan Spirit Companions
As part of their art topic ‘Making my Voice Heard,’ Year 6 did some research into their Mayan spirit companions and used this as a focus for creating a piece of symbolic...

Year 1 Literacy – Story Maps
Year 1 have been reading the story of Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam in their literacy lessons. We have done lots of work about it including looking at settings, describing the characters...

Year 1 PSHE – Friendships
Last week in our PSHE lesson we looked at who our friends were and what we like to do with them. We thought about what makes a good friend and if we...

Year 1 Art – Making Waves
Year 1 have been making waves in their art lesson. In our first art lesson we looked at the different ways we could draw lines (and learnt some very tricky to say...

SSOC’s First Task
On Friday, this years School Sports Organising Crew had their first task. They were privileged to be the only primary school asked to help out at the School Games Networks “race across...