Year 4 History
This week Year 4 have been working as young Historians examining Historical sources to find out how we know information about Boudicca, Queen of the Celtic Iceni tribe. The children found out about...

Year 3- Rocks
In Year 3, we are learning about rocks and soil. This week, we explored how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are formed and classified rock samples in different ways.

Last Colouring Club Before Half Term
Today was our last colouring club before half term. We have really enjoyed our time and have asked if we can come back after our weeks holiday.

Year 3- Forces and Magnets
In Year 3, we have been learning about forces and magnets. Check out our pictures where we were investigating the effect friction has on the speed on a travelling object and testing...

Year 6 Geography
Year 6 were being geographers yesterday, developing their knowledge and understanding of natural disasters with a specific focus on earthquakes. They used atlases, globes and ICT to pinpoint the locations of earthquakes...

Year 6 History – Evacuation
For our history lesson on evacuation, year 6 took on the roles of evacuees to share their experiences with each other. This was to ascertain whether or not evacuation was a positive...

Two’s Valentine’s Stay and Play
A fun morning was had by all at the two Valentine’s stay and play. We decorated the cakes we made yesterday and everyone enjoyed eating them ( some even made it home...

3rd Place in the Maria O’Doherty Memorial Trophy
On Monday, both our girl’s football teams were in action at the Washington Hub in the Maria O’Doherty memorial trophy. Both teams give their all throughout the full day. Putting in some...

The Three Little Pigs
This week our Three Year Old Nursery Children have enjoyed the traditional tale ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been learning about the different materials the pigs used to build their houses...