Fun in the Snow
Reception had the best morning exploring the first Winter snow outside with friends. We built our very own snowman, made patterns in the snow and had a snowball fight. We enjoyed a...
Guide for Parents on School Attendance
Clickable links are available in the download file.
Scheme of Delegation & Committees of the Governing Body
LORD BLYTON PRIMARY SCHOOL SCHEME OF DELEGATION COMMITTEES OF THE GOVERNING BOARD ROLE OF THE COMMITTEE What Decisions can be made? Committees, individuals or groups of governors may be given delegated powers...
Governor Information 2023/24
Composition of the Governing Board Committees of the Governing Board Chair of Governors Cllr E Malcolm Vice Chair of Governors Cllr K Dawes Name Category Appointing Body Terms of Office Committees (if...
Nursery talk about families
The children in our 3 Year Old Nursery have been talking about their families and who lives in their home with them. We hunted in Forest School and found small world people...
Year 5 Science – Space – Day and Night
Year 5 have been learning about why we have day and night and using the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun...
British Values Webinar
Year 4 took part in a webinar about British Values and Protected Characteristics.
Interfaith Week
KS2 pupils learnt about the importance of Interfaith Week this week in their classes. It links well with our PSHE and British Value lessons.
Year 4 Openzone Visit
Year 4 visited the Openzone and used the programme Audacity to record and edit sounds to create podcasts about Ancient Greece.