Community Links – St Simons
Some children accompanied Ms Atherton last week to decorate the Christmas tree in the Church. Reverend Jason led this morning’s assembly about Advent.

Nursery Visit Santa
Our Nursery children had the most magical memorable start to December as we travelled through the snow to Santa’s Grotto to meet the man himself Mr S Clause !!! We had a...

Christmas Dates for your Diary
Christmas Events 2023 All payments are to be made via Parentmail Monday 4th December Civic Carol Concert – Temple Park – school choir only Wednesday 6th December ALADDIN – Christmas...

EYFS Christmas Events
Christmas Events 2023 All payments are to be made via Parentmail Friday 8th December Christmas Jumper Day – Please make your donation via Parentmail. All donations will be paid to the...

KS2 Base Visit Fenwick’s Window
Today we visited Fenwicks window. We had a magical time and were very lucky it was snowy & wintery outside. We went to the toy department to get some ideas for our...

Advent in Year 2
Advent has started in year 2 with a book advent calendar, a joke advent and the obligatory chocolate one – well it wouldn’t be Christmas without chocolate x Happy Advent!

How To Make Your Christmas Autism Friendly
Here is a guide to an autism friendly Christmas from the Toby Henderson Trust. I hope it is helpful for your family.