Year 5 Openzone Visit
Year 5 visited the Openzone at The Word in South Shields. The day began by creating algorithms to be used with small microcontrollers called Crumbles. Pupils used these to control LED lights...

Learning about Fireworks
This week the children have enjoyed learning about Fireworks. We talked about the wonderful colours, shapes and noises they make. The children have enjoyed making hand print firework pictures and using the...

Year 1 Halloween Fun Day
Year 1 enjoyed lots of spooktacular activities and some tasty treats!

Harvest Service at St Simon’s Church
We ended our half term with a fantastic Harvest service at St Simon’s Church. For the past half term our children have been learning some songs about Harvest. Today we shared our...

KS2 Base History – Stone Age
In the Key Stage 2 Base this half term our quality text has been “The Stone Age Boy”. This has linked into our History topic which has been the Stone Age. The...

KS2 Base Reading Certificates
Well done to the children in the Key Stage 2 base who have earned reading certificates this half term.