Year 3 Science-Rocks
Today year 3 became geologists! We talked about the three main different types of rock and how they are formed. We used magnifying glasses to examine samples of metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary...

Uniform Rail
Our uniform rail has been restocked. Please help yourself. There are some winter coats/ Lord Blyton school fleeces /coats.

New Wellbeing Buddies
A huge welcome to our new Year 5 well being buddies……. They will join our existing Year 6 well being buddies who will help them to settle into their new role in...

A Rainy Day at Nursery
The children in the two year old nursery have enjoyed exploring the rain today. We all put on our wetsuits and wellies and rushed outside to play. We had great fun jumping...

Year 5 Science – Acids and Alkalis
Year 5 have been investigating whether substances are acidic, neutral or alkaline by testing the substance with litmus paper. We tested a range of substances including water, soap, washing up liquid, vinegar...

School Nurse Visit
Yesterday the children in the three year old nursery had a visit from the school nurses. They told us all about how important it is to wash our hands and how to...

Year 3- STEM Live Lesson
This term, year 3 will be learning about rocks in science. As part of our learning, we took part in a STEM live lesson. The lesson was all about fossils and how...

Year 4 Fire Safety Talk
Steve from Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service came in to speak to year 4 about Fire Safety today.