French (MFL) Policy
Mission statement The essence of Lord Blyton is to be the best we can. Introduction This policy aims to outline the provision for Modern Foreign Languages (French) in our school. The policy...
Long Term French Plan
Year Group Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Year 3 Unit 1‘Je Parle Français!’The pencil caseDeterminers Unit 2‘Je me présente’Personal infoWeatherAlphabet Unit 3‘La Famille’Describing family members Year 4 Unit 3‘La Famille’Describing family...
MFL Intent, Implementation and Impact
INTENT ‘A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to...
Year 1 Art – Craft Techniques
This half term in art we have been learning about craft techniques. We have been wrapping wool, weaving, plaiting, cutting and knotting. We found plaiting quite difficult but we persevered! When we...
Year 5/6 Girls Cricket
Yesterday two girls cricket teams from year 5/6 represented the school in a girls only cricket tournament. Both teams played brilliantly throughout the whole day in warm conditions and really done themselves...