It might have been very wet this morning and very very muddy but that didn’t stop Reception from putting on their wellies and coats and having lots of fun helping to plant our ‘Tiny Forest’ We worked with a partner and a Year 6 friend to dig a hole with a spade. Then we planted the tree and covered it with soil using our hands !!! It was very muddy but great fun!!! Daniel explained there will be 600 trees planted and by the time we are in Year 2 the trees will have grown to be very tall. We are looking forward to watching the Tiny Forest grow and change over the seasons and for the rest of our time at Lord Blyton. π³π²
Year 2
The Year 2 children planted over 60 trees between them including some oak and holly trees. We can’t wait to watch them grow. Apparently when we are in year 6 they will be much taller than us!
Year 3
Year 3- The Tiny Forest. Today, year 3 planted trees to help create our own school forest. All of our pupils in school took part in the project. As the children grow, they will be able to watch the trees grow with them. The forest area is developing well thanks to the project and the trees that we already acquired from the Woodlands Trust. These areas can be used for all sorts of curriculum enrichment, teaching and learning.