- Sharing the load.
- Using the expertise of Governors to deal with specific subject areas.
- Releasing the full Governing Board for policy making.
- Making it easier for all Governors to make a contribution.
What Decisions can be made?
Committees, individuals or groups of governors may be given delegated powers to undertake work and make decisions on the behalf of the Governing Board. The Governing Board still has the final responsibility for any decision taken by its Committees. Those decisions must be reported to the Governing Board at its next meeting. This would normally be done by the way of presenting minutes which set out the points discussed and the Committees decisions/recommendations.
In addition, committees, individuals or groups may be designated to undertake work and make recommendations to the governing board.
The Chair of the Committee has no power to make decisions without reference to the Committee itself. Only the Chair of the Governing Board, acting with the authority of the Board, can act in an emergency when it is not practical to convene a meeting.
Review of Performance
Governing Bodies must review the working of their Committees and other delegations and designations on an annual basis, under normal circumstances this will be at the termly meeting in the Autumn Term.
What cannot be delegated?
The Governing Board cannot delegate the following functions:
- constitution of the governing Board (unless otherwise allowed by the Constitution Regulations)
- appointment or removal of the chair and vice chair.
- appointment of the clerk to the governing Board.
- suspension of governors.
- delegation of governing Board functions.
- establishment of governing Board committees.
- appointment of Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher
The Governing Board cannot delegate the following functions to an individual:
- alteration or closure or change of category of schools
- Review of exclusion of pupils (unless in an emergency)
- approval of the school budget
- discipline policies and
- admissions.
Committee meetings must be carried out according to rules similar to those which apply to Governing Board meetings. For example, Committee members are entitled to seven days written notice of a meeting and its agenda. Minutes of all Committee meetings must be kept, including the names of those present and then forwarded to the next meeting of the Governing Board.
The Committee, their terms of reference and details of their membership, etc are attached.
Common Conventions for All Committees
Meetings to be convened by the Head Teacher in consultation with the Chair of the Committee and the Clerk to the Governors.
The involvement of the Clerk to the Governing Board at Committee meetings shall be in accordance with the Clerking Service Level Agreement.
Agenda to be prepared by the Clerk to the Governors and distributed together with any supporting papers in accordance with current regulations.
Minutes to be taken by the Clerk to the Governors.
Minutes of all committee meetings must be kept, including the names of those present.
Quorum for all committees is three governors unless otherwise stated.
How and when to report back to Governing Board
Minutes to be presented to the next appropriate meeting of the full Governing Board. The Committee Chair will report to the Governing Board.
Confidential minutes are to be reported to the Governing Board by the Chair of the Committee or a member of the Committee (in the absence of the Chair). The Clerk will provide the Chair of the Committee, the Chair of the Governing Board and the Head teacher a copy of the confidential minutes.
Chair appointed
The Chair and Vice-Chair to be elected at the first meeting of the Committee following the School Governors annual review of committees unless appointed by the governing board at the annual review of the Scheme of Delegation and outlined in this document.
Frequency of meeting
As determined by statutory requirements and/or at the request of the Chair of the Committee.
Areas of responsibility
Terms of Reference
- In consultation with the Head Teacher, to draw up and approve the annual school budget.
- To monitor and review the progress of the school budget and the school fund at regular intervals.
- To establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan
- To consider a budget position statement including virement decisions at least termly and to report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the governing board
- To monitor and review on a regular basis the requirements necessary to meet/maintain the Schools Financial Value Standards (SFVS).
- To monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the governing board and take appropriate action when necessary.
- To annually review and approve charges and remissions policies and expenses policies.
- To agree service level agreements
- To agree expenditure following recommendations from other committees
- To prepare financial statements for inclusion in the governing board report to parents
Composition of Committee
Chair, Vice-Chair, Head Teacher plus 4 Governors
Membership of Committee
Cllr E Malcolm, Mr K Dawes, Mrs J Atherton, Mrs W Stead and Vacancy, Vacancy, Vacancy
Terms of Reference
- Appointments
To consider and take action, if requested, on all matters relating to the appointment of staff especially in relation to shortlisting and interviewing of candidates for teaching and support staff positions at the school as shown below.
Head Teacher/Deputy Head Agree specification/procedures by Governing Board
Shortlist by Staffing Committee
Appointment by Governing Board
Assistant Head Teacher Agree specification/procedures by Staffing Committee
Shortlist by Staffing Committee
Appointment by Selection Panel
Teachers above MPS, TLR Agree specification/procedures by Staffing Committee
Shortlist by Staffing Committee
Appointment by Staffing Committee
Teachers on MPS, Temporary Agree specification/procedures, shortlist and appoint by Head Teacher and Chair
Posts, NQTs and Support Staff Agree specification/procedures, shortlist and appoint by Head Teacher and Chair
- Staffing
- To consider and take action, within the agreed procedure, on reductions to school staffing if required.
- To have the delegation to cease the staffing reductions process if required.
- To consider all matters relating to the staffing structure of the school and to make recommendations to the Governing Board when required.
- To approve and review a performance management policy for all staff.
- To keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence and implement the necessary action.
- Disciplinary Procedures
Head Teacher may consider and take disciplinary action up to but not including a final written warning.
Staffing Committee has delegated powers to consider cases which may result in:-
- Issue a final written warning.
- Cease to work at the school.
- Demotion.
- To lift the suspension against a member of staff.
- Grievance Procedure
To hear staff grievances at Stage 4 of Grievance Procedure of the school.
The Head Teacher and any governor employed by the school shall not be a member of the committee where there is a reduction in staffing, disciplinary or grievance issue under consideration.
Composition of Committee
Chair, Vice-Chair, Head Teacher plus 4 governors
Membership of Committee
Cllr Malcolm, Cllr K Dawes Mrs J Atherton, Mrs W Stead, Vacancy, Vacancy, Vacancy,
Areas of responsibility
The Committee have fully delegated powers to make decisions within the pay policy determined by the Governing Board and the terms of reference are as follows:-
- To apply the criteria set by the whole school pay policy in determining the pay of each member of staff at the annual review.
- To make decisions about the level of pay for each individual, to minute these decisions and report these decisions to the Board of Governors in due course.
- To keep abreast of relevant developments and to advise the Governing Board when the schoolβs pay policy needs to be revised.
The Head Teacher shall be present at meetings of the Pay Review Committee but in an advisory capacity.
- Any person employed to work at the school other than as the Head Teacher, when the subject for consideration is the pay or performance review of any person employed to work at the school.
- The Head Teacher shall not be involved where the subject of consideration is his/her own pay or performance appraisal.
Composition of Committee
Chair plus 4 governors. Head Teacher in an advisory capacity
Membership of Committee
Cllr E Malcolm, Cllr J Taylor, Mrs W Stead, Ms J Burnett and Vacancy
Areas of responsibility
To consider appeals for any reason and make the appropriate decision based on the evidence presented to the meeting.
Composition of Membership
All Governors not involved in the original decision or employed to work at the school but to include no fewer members than that of the first Committee, the decision of which is subject to appeal.
The Head Teacher shall be present at meetings of the Appeals Committee but in an advisory capacity.
Areas of responsibility
i. Pupil Discipline
To review the decision of the Head Teacher in excluding a pupil(s) from the school.
- To consider representations from parents in the case of exclusions of 5 days or less N.B. the committee may not re-instate
- To consider representations from parents in the case of exclusions totalling more than 5 but not more than 15 school days in one term
- To consider the appropriateness of any permanent exclusion or any exclusion where one or more fixed period exclusions total more than 15 school days in one term or where a pupil is denied the opportunity to take a public examination
- To review the School Behaviour and Discipline Policy and make recommendations on changes to the governing board or relevant committee.
- The Head Teacher
- Any Governor with prior knowledge of the pupil or the incident
N.B. If a governor has a connection with the pupil or the incident that could affect their ability to act impartially, they should not serve at the hearing. If, through non-attendance of a governor, four members consider an exclusion, the chair has a casting vote.
ii. Complaints
- To hear individual complaints.
- To hear complaints against the school at final stage of the formal complaintβs procedure.
- To make recommendations on policy as a result of complaints.
- To review periodically the schoolβs complaints policy and if necessary, make recommendations to the Governing Board.
The Panel can:
- Dismiss the complaint in whole or in part.
- Uphold the complaint in whole or in part.
- Decide on the appropriate action to be taken to resolve the complaint.
- Recommend changes to the schoolβs systems or procedures to ensure that problems of a similar nature do not recur.
Composition of Membership
Pool of governors from which 3 will be selected at any one time on an alphabetical rota basis.
Membership of the Pupil Discipline Committee
From the full Governing Board. (Not including the Head Teacher)
Composition for the Complaints Committee
Pool of governors from which 3 governors will be selected at any one time on an alphabetical rota basis.
Membership of the Complaints Committee
All governors who are not employed by the school.
- To consider and advise the governing board on standards and other matters relating to the schoolβs curriculum, including statutory requirements and the schoolβs curriculum policy
- To consider curricular issues which have implications for finance and personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the governing board
- To receive regular reports from individual governors who have a leading role in specific areas of provision, e.g. SEN, Literacy, Numeracy and advice the governing Board.
- To have responsibility for the arrangements for educational visits.
- To set the schools pupil performance targets.
- To approve Curriculum Policies.
- To consider the Schools Self Evaluation Form (SEF) and recommend to the Governing Board for approval.
- To consider the School Improvement/Development Plan (SIP/SDP) and recommend to the Governing Board for approval.
- To monitor, review and approve all existing school policies.
- To monitor and review all existing school policies and if major changes or updates are made to be approved by the Governing Board.
- To review all new school policies for Governing Board approval.
3 voting governors.
Composition of Committee
Head Teacher, Chair, Vice Chair, 4 governors
Membership of Committee
Miss J Atherton, Cllr E Malcolm, Cllr K Dawes, Ms J Burnett, Ms V Waller, Mrs W Stead, Mrs J Taylor
Chair of the Committee
Mrs W Stead
Headteacherβs Performance Management Group
Β Terms of reference:
- To arrange to meet with the External Adviser to discuss the headteacherβs performance targets
- To monitor through the year the performance of the headteacher against the targets
- To decide, with the support of the External Adviser, whether the targets have been met and to set new targets annually
- Additional items which individual Governing Bodies may wish to include
The headteacher and Staff governors
Composition of the Group
Three governors
Membership of the Group
Mrs J Burnett, Cllr E Malcolm and Mrs W Stead
At least two of the named governors
Link Governors
- To liaise with the appropriate member(s) of staff
- To visit the school with the purpose of gathering information concerning their area of responsibility and to increase their knowledge of the school
- To regularly report to the governing Board, or any committee or group determined by the governing Board, on developments and progress within their area of responsibility
- To raise the profile of the area of responsibility when related matters are considered by the governing Board
- To attend training as appropriate
Area Of Responsibility | Name of Governor | Liaising with | Reporting to |
Safeguarding | Cllr J Taylor | Headteacher Ms J Atherton Child and Family Manager Ms A Quinn | Governing Board |
SEN | Mrs J Burnett | SENCO Ms J Atherton Child and Family Manager Ms A Quinn Β | Governing Board |
Link Governor(Training) | Head Teacher | LEA Governor Support | Governing Board |
Literacy | Mrs V Waller | English Lead K Simpson | Governing Board |
Numeracy | Mrs W Stead | Maths Lead J Wales | Governing Board |
Community Cohesion/spiritual, moral, cultural and social, RE and collective worship | New staff governor | Governing Board | |
Health & Safety | Cllr K Dawes | Head Teacher Ms J Atherton | Governing Board |
Mental Health | Mrs J Burnett | Child and Family Manager Ms A Quinn | Governing Board |
These delegations supersede all previous delegations by the Governing Board.
Virement | Virement of budget provisions:- Amounts up to Β£10,000 Amounts over Β£10,000 up to Β£50,000 Amounts over Β£50,000 | Head Teacher (after consultation with appropriate Chair Person) Finance Sub-Committee or Governing Board Governing Board | Annually |
9.2 Banking Arrangements | Signatories to Local Imprest Bank Account (NB Must be employees and are subject to agreement with the Chief Finance Officer) | Head Teacher Secretary Deputy Head Teacher | Annually |
11.1c Orders for Work, Goods and Services | Signatories to official order forms | Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher Secretary | Annually |
11.2 Orders for Work, Goods and Services (any individual transaction exceeding Β£10,000 in full contract value will be reported at the next appropriate Governing Board meeting) | All orders for all goods and services shall be procured:- Contract value up to Β£3,000 Contract value Β£3,000 to Β£10,000 after two telephone or written quotations Contract Value Β£10,000 to Β£50,000 after a minimum of three written quotations Contract value Β£50,000 to Β£100,000 after a minimum of three written quotations | Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher (in consultation with the Chair) Governing Board | Annually |
12.2 Payment of Accounts | Certification of accounts for payment | Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher | Annually |
14.3 Salaries, Wages Pensions and Other Emoluments | Certification of time records and other pay documents | Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher Secretary | Annually |
16.5(1) Stores & Storesβ Accounts 16.5 (2) Stores & Storesβ Accounts | Acceptance of highest Offer received in Response to open tender for disposal of stores or other property not purchased from delegated budget Acceptance of offers received in response to disposal of stores or other property from delegated budget | Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher Head Teacher Governing Board | Annually |
18.2 & 18.3 Insurances | Notification of changes to risks, losses, liabilities, damage or any event likely to lead to a claim to Chief Finance Officer. | Secretary Head Teacher Chair Finance Committee | Annually |
SGFR β School Governorsβ Financial Regulations
CSO β Contract Standing Orders