Access for all visitors is via the main school office.
All visitors must report to the school office, buzz and wait for assistance.
The school will ask for ID if you are a visitor.
All visitors will be asked to sign into school using our electronic system and will be given a visitor’s badge to wear which should be displayed at all times.
If parents are collecting a child from school during the hours of 9.20am and 3.15pm you will be asked to identify yourself, produce an appointment card and wait in the reception area whilst a member of school staff collects your child and brings them to you in the office.
Access to the school is flat and accessible to everyone on foot, in a wheel chair or disability scooter.
The school is one storey and is fully accessible to all.
The school car park is a distance from the main office and should any visitor require assistance they should contact the school office prior to the visit.