World Maths Day in Nursery 3’s

Our Nursery children had fun taking part in the NSPCC Number Day on Wednesday 8th March. When we arrived at Nursery we found there were numbers everywhere!!!! We enjoyed catching fish in the water tray with nets and counting how many, printing numbers with paint, rolling and cutting numbers in the playdough, using tweezers to fill the numicon shapes, writing numbers in shaving foam, counting gem stones onto numbers and putting the right number of animals into fields. We sang the songs 5 Currant Buns ๐Ÿง, 5 Little Ducks ๐Ÿฆ† and 5 Speckled Frogs ๐Ÿธ We read a counting story ‘Kippers Toybox’ where some of Kippers toys went missing because 2 mice had nibbled a hole in his toy box. When we noticed a little hole in our toybox we decided to count to make sure none were missing. We put the toys in a line to make them easier to count. We said the number names in order pointing to each toy with our finger and remembered to say one number name for each toy. We started counting on 1 and stopped counting when we got to the last toy ๐Ÿงธ.