Year 3 had a very exciting STEM visit today! Kay from a company called Equinor came in to talk to us about offshore wind farming, wind turbines, Dogger Bank and sustainable energy supplies. Equinor have a base at the Port of Tyne in South Shields, which is in our local area and is located very close to our school. Equinor is the UK’s leading energy provider, working with over 700 suppliers across the country. Alongside its partners, Equinor is building Dogger Bank Wind Farm, 130km off the North East coast. Kay talked to us about how wind turbines are built, operated and maintained. She showed us how wind turbines generate electricity and how this provides a renewable energy source. We found out more about the various career opportunities in engineering that this project has to offer, and discussed the many different jobs needed in this industry. We made model wind turbines and tested them, discussing the science behind harnessing this natural power source. We had a fun, informative morning and used LOTS of STEM skills. Many of our Year 3 boys and girls now think that they might like to be wind technicians and electrical engineers when they are older!